<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="topicsList.aspx.vb" Inherits="topicsList" %> トピックス一覧|<%=category %>|JRタワーホテル日航札幌-JR札幌駅直結リゾートホテル- <% If hotelKbn = 0 Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %> <% If hotelKbn = 0 Then %><% Else %><% End If %> <%=includeFiles(0)%>

<% If hotelKbn = 0 Then %> JR HOKKAIDO HOTELS
nikko hotels international JR HOKKAIDO HOTELS
nikko hotels international
nikko hotels international JR HOKKAIDO HOTELS
nikko hotels international
<% End If %>

<%=includeFiles(2)%> <% If hotelKbn = 0 Then %> <% End If %> <%=includeFiles(4)%>
<% If nCategory.ToString() <> "6" Then %><%=includeFiles(6) %><% Else %>
<% End If %>

<% If hotelKbn = 0 Then %>HOME<% Else %>HOME<% End If If Not chk.chk_null(topURL) Then %> > <%=category %><% End If %>  > トピックス一覧

<%=category %> Topics & Information 前の画面へ戻る

<% Dim serial As Date Dim tDate As String = "" Dim y As Integer Dim m As Integer Dim d As Integer If mode = 12 Or mode = 13 Then If dat2.Count > 0 Then For i As Integer = 0 To dat2.Count - 1 tDate = func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("UPDATE_DATE"), "") y = CInt(Mid(tDate, 1, 4)) m = CInt(Mid(tDate, 5, 2)) d = CInt(Mid(tDate, 7, 2)) serial = DateSerial(y, m, d) %>
<% If Not chk.chk_null(func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_DIMG1"), "")) Then %> <% If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_KBN"), "") <> "2" Then %>&rc=<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("REST_CODE"), "") %>&k=<%=cmn.MakeUniqueKey() %>"><% Else If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("LINK_TARGET"), "") = "2" Then %>" target="_blank"><% Else %>"><% End If End If %> &ino=1&kind=1" width="68" alt="トピックス画像" /> <% End If %>
<%=String.Format("{0:D}", serial) & "(" & String.Format("{0:ddd}", serial) & ")"%> <% If mode = 3 Or mode = 9 Then If Not chk.chk_null(dat2(i).Row("CATEGORY_NAME")) Then %> 【<%=Trim(func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("CATEGORY_NAME"), "")) %>】 <% End If End If %> <% If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_KBN"), "") <> "2" Then %>&rc=<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("REST_CODE"), "") %>&k=<%=cmn.MakeUniqueKey() %>"><% Else If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("LINK_TARGET"), "") = "2" Then %>" target="_blank"><% Else %>"><% End If End If %> <%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_TITLE"), "")%>
<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_DTITLE"), "")%>
<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(cmn.kaigyo_keep_m(dat2(i).Row("TOPIC_TEXT")), "")%>
<% Next End If End If If dat.Count > 0 Then For i As Integer = 0 To dat.Count - 1 tDate = func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("UPDATE_DATE"), "") y = CInt(Mid(tDate, 1, 4)) m = CInt(Mid(tDate, 5, 2)) d = CInt(Mid(tDate, 7, 2)) serial = DateSerial(y, m, d) %>
<% If Not chk.chk_null(func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("TOPIC_DIMG1"), "")) Then %> &rc=<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("REST_CODE"), "") %>&k=<%=cmn.MakeUniqueKey() %>"> &ino=1&kind=1" width="68" alt="トピックス画像" /> <% End If %>
<%=String.Format("{0:D}", serial) & "(" & String.Format("{0:ddd}", serial) & ")"%> <% If mode = 3 Or mode = 9 Then If Not chk.chk_null(dat(i).Row("CATEGORY_NAME")) Then %> 【<%=Trim(func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("CATEGORY_NAME"), "")) %>】 <% End If End If %> <% If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("TOPIC_KBN"), "") <> "2" Then %>&rc=<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("REST_CODE"), "") %>&k=<%=cmn.MakeUniqueKey() %>"><% Else If func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("LINK_TARGET"), "") = "2" Then %>" target="_blank"><% Else %>"><% End If End If %> <%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("TOPIC_TITLE"), "")%>
<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(dat(i).Row("TOPIC_DTITLE"), "")%>
<%=func_str.DBNullExchange(cmn.kaigyo_keep_m(dat(i).Row("TOPIC_TEXT")), "")%>
<% Next End If %>


<%---------------------- 共用SQLSourceData ---------------------------%>